Answer from Caroline: The market is on fire right now in Myrtle Beach. Just to give you some insight. I had a buyer from Texas call me at 7:30 am they saw a property online, I went and FaceTimed them on my cell phone so they could preview the property that day. We decided to make an offer and we got into a multiple offer situation. However, we negotiated the property and got it. I handled the inspection, CL-100 and we did a mail away closing. The buyers never had to come into town. They have closed on the property and love it! Had we not moved fast we would have lost it. That home was on the market for 7 days! If things are priced right they are moving quickly! We are seeing multiple offers again and our market is as hot as the weather right now! Call us today for all your real estate needs!
Ask a Dargan Real Estate Agent: Myrtle Beach Housing Market
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Question: What’s the market like in Myrtle Beach right now?
Caroline Dargan Johnson